Ishida Brexit Statement
Ishida Europe Ltd has been supporting customers in the EU since the 1980’s and has established directly owned entities in 6 EU countries and additionally we have a network of long-established distributors in a further 12 EU countries.
Our commitment to providing EU customers with comprehensive support has always been a fundamental part of our strategy and to ensure the on-going dependability of this service we established a European Distribution Centre in the Netherlands during 2020. This facility will house the largest stock of spare parts within the Europe, Middle East and Africa region.
In addition to this going forward we commit that:
- We will continue to conform to all EU legal a regulatory requirements
- There is no change in the security of supply of new machines, spare parts or service labour
- We will not pass on custom duties to customers resulting from importation from the UK
We are ‘with you all of the way’ and here to answer your concerns and questions as we enter a time of uncertainty across the EU and UK. Please submit any questions to and we will answer these as quickly and fully as possible.
Download and read our complete statement below.
Gender Pay Gap Report 2023
We are obliged by the Equalities Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017 to report various information on the “Gender Pay Gap”. The required information is set out in the document below.
Modern Slavery Statement 2023/2024:
We are committed to improving our practices to combat slavery and human trafficking. Download and read our full statement.
Ishida Tax Strategy 2024
Schedule 19 of the Finance Act 2016 requires Ishida Europe Ltd. (hereinafter Ishida) to publish its tax strategy. In compliance with this, we set out below our strategy for the financial year ending 20 March 2025. This was reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors on 11th February 2025.
Anti-bribery Statement
At Ishida Europe, we are driven by our unique philosophy, “Three Way Harmony”. Bribery and corruption have no place within this philosophy and Ishida Europe are therefore committed to the following:
Supplier Code of Conduct
Our Supplier Code of Conduct outlines our commitment to ethical business practices and sets the standards we expect from all our suppliers. Click on the link below to learn more about our principles.